Christopher L. 50k affiliate says:
HAVE FINALLY FOUND A PURPOSE! For many many years I could not figure out why I was still here still alive? Through circumstances out of my control as a child things were pretty bad actually in my eyes really bad. I had chemical imbalances which did not make things any easier. My nickname was Dennis The Menace if that tells you anything 😊 a lot of bad things happened to me and as a result I withdrew from the world 🌎 just trying to understand what was happening. I was scared, alone, angry, sad I felt broken and was sure nobody loved me and I was damaged goods. When I was introduced to substances it was almost an immediate relief I didn’t have to care anymore i was reborn into a life of an even greater hell. And so we are clear I accept full responsibility. I was 11 then and for the next 30 years I was in world that if you haven’t been to trust me you don’t want to 🙏🙏 I remember vividly making the decision that was what and who I was and I was going to go to the bitter end a broken scared angry hurt lonely little boy. Afraid of the world tired and broken I made the decision to leave this place for good BUT little did I know there was a plan and SOMETHING MUCH MUCH BIGGER THAN ME that I did not believe existed. I had heard about it but my thought was after all I had been through if it existed why the heck did I go through so much suffering? So if it did exist I was so bad that even it did not want me.
Well here is the end result. All of those things were true in my mind but wow did I have it all wrong. I tried to leave this earth in January 2006 I was tired and couldn’t go on anymore. And guess what happened I jumped and IT meaning my Higher Power pulled my parachute 🙏🙏😢😢❤️❤️🙏🙏 it was absolutely AMAZING!! For the next 13 years I have been on an Amazing Beautiful journey I HAVE FOUND A PURPOSE AND IT HAS BEEN THE MOST AMAZING RIDE 🙏🙏⭐️⭐️❤️❤️ has it all been good absolutely not but it has been the most amazing years of my life. I surrendered became willing opened my mind and as a result I have been blessed beyond my Wildest Dreams ❤️❤️🙏🙏⭐️⭐️ The Point is this if you read what the image says above that is EXACTLY what I hope and pray that happens to people God puts in front of me 🙏 Don’t EVER GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT. I thought for a long time that my past was a horrible thing BUT TODAY I REALIZE IT IS MY GREATEST ASSET!! IF YOU HAVE SUFFERED LIKE MANY OF US UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE WE MUST HEAL AND SHARE OUR STORIES WITH THOSE STILL SICK AND SUFFERING IF WE DONT THEY MAY NOT MAKE IT. And remember we are not God we simply carry the message and if they are ready to hear it there is a chance.
We joined a company about 10 months ago because I was still suffering with the chemical imbalances and there product was the missing link that made all of this that has happened in the last 10 months possible 🙏🙏 Remember your story or your past is your greatest asset it is our responsibility to get over ourselves heal and share with those that need to hear it. If I don’t SHAME ON ME. My prayer today is that this touches one life today that one person gets hope from this and that one person finds the strength inside them to Surrender and reach out for help🙏🙏 God bless everybody have an amazing beautiful weekend. ❤️❤️❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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